It’s always amazing to see our incredible campers – both new and returning – dive right into camp.
Programming has been in full swing. The sounds of children cheering and singing and supporting each other rings out from the ball fields to the waterfront, culinary to theater, adventure to arts and everywhere in between!

Our first “S” Day was a massive success. Our CITs braved the rapids of the Kennebec River in what’s become a highlight of the campers’ final summer. Our 8th graders departed on a trip that led to some of Maine’s most iconic destinations – Acadia National Park to Bar Harbor…the Old Port to Peak’s Island…our 8th grade campers saw the real beauty of Maine. Our 7th grade campers spent the day in North Conway, NH, another beautiful and historic town in the area. Our 5th and 6th grade campers splashed around and had a blast at Aquaboggan, leaving the entire camp to our Saco and Kineo campers who participated in the Saco/Kineo Cup!

Tomorrow is one of everyone’s favorite “S” Days: Carnival Day! We can’t wait to watch our campers enjoy the food and games as the Downeast Field converts into the Laurel South Carnival. But that’s not all we have to look forward to…there’s so much ahead: Theater Shows, Moose Bowl and Katahdin Cup, Funtown/Splashtown, Moosestock…the list goes on and on.
Have a great weekend! And remember: It’s a beautiful day in the state of Maine!!