The Official Blog of Laurel South
Moosetrack News


Another Week of Memories

Time flies when you’re having fun! 

Somehow we’re already past the one week marker of camp and our Second Session campers have found their grove. Our days have been full of hiking trips, intercamps, and more. The weather here has been stunning, perfect warm days for swimming in Crescent Lake and beautiful  evenings ideal for crazy evening programs, sweater weather, and gathering around campfires. We can’t wait for our Council Fire tonight! As the end of July creeps up, we celebrated the return of our 8th and 9th graders from their adventurous trips into the wilderness. These trips (hiking through coastal Maine and rafting in the North Woods) are not just about experiencing the beauty that Maine has to offer. These trips extend far beyond the campfire circle and create memories that will last a lifetime.

The week has been full of a little bit of everything. We’ve had inter-camp competitions against other camps in soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and archery! The Laurel South spirit is always on full display, cheering on our teammates, celebrating our victories, and respecting our opponents with every bullseye, goal, and point scored. We’re always so proud of our campers, win or lose, for the way they conduct themselves in the spirit of competition. As we look ahead, excitement is building through camp as we prepare for our annual Laurel South Carnival just a few days away! The Laurel South Carnival is a celebration of summer. We’re looking forward to a day filled with laughter, games, and cotton candy. It’s a chance for campers to let loose, whether through face painting, dunk tanks, or the wide array of inflatable challenges.

Although the days keep rolling by, each one is filled with memories to hold. Here in Maine, amidst laughter and adventure, lifelong bonds are formed and cherished, making each summer day at Laurel South one to remember. Here’s to another week of memories!

The Action Continues…

The past five days have gifted the most stunning Maine weather imaginable, setting the perfect backdrop for all our adventures and activities. As we dive into Second Session at Laurel South, it’s clear that summer couldn’t be more picturesque here on Crescent Lake.

From the high ropes of the climbing course to jumping in the lake at swimming, our incredible programming is running and campers are loving everything Laurel South has to offer. We’re already looking forward to our first S Day, loaded with out of camp trips and special events.

Some of our special events for the coming weeks include dedicated prep work. The excitement of our Moose Bowl is palpable as our teams, the Rattlesnakes and the Black Bears, have been selected after their combine, and are already deep into their preparations for what promises to be an epic showdown.

Additionally, this year marks a special moment for our Katahdin Cup girls’ soccer game. For the first time ever, two camper teams – Camden City and Acadia United – are set to compete in a thrilling match just a few weeks from now. The enthusiasm among our Katahdin ladies is contagious, and we can’t wait to see their talent and sportsmanship on display.

While sports and games are a significant part of life here at Laurel South, our incredible trips add an extra dimension of adventure and bonding. Our 8th graders are currently embarking on a tour of the Maine Coast, exploring scenic vistas, hiking in Acadia, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Meanwhile, our CITs are venturing into the North Woods for an exhilarating session of White Water Rafting. We’re so excited for them to have these amazing opportunities, but we miss them when they’re gone. Camp isn’t the same without them.

As we continue to embrace every moment of our summer here at Laurel South, we look forward to the countless adventures, friendships, and growth opportunities that lie in the weeks ahead.

Arrival Day Excitement

There really is no better feeling than jumping off the bus and into the crisp Maine air or running down the hill through the counselor tunnel. Our hearts were racing, smiles beaming, and laughter booming all through the day as Second Session campers traveled from far and wide to get settled into their second home. Arrival day brings on all of the good feelings for us here in Casco as we step back into the excitement that is Second Session. 

Our Arrival Day was full of greetings and reunions, hugs and laughs under a clear Maine summer sky. We reconnected with old friends, met all of our new campers, and kicked off the start of an incredible summer. The night was full of running around at our fast-paced evening programs before setting into our cabins for the night. 

With a fresh set of days ahead, campers and staff are eager to jump into their schedules, but our Moose Stomp day helped us jump start the session in style first. Full of s’mores, swimming, bumper-tubing, and more, there is no doubt the biggest excitement is looking forward to schedules to begin tomorrow. 

Crazy to think about, but our first S day is only a few days away. Our 8th graders will be departing for their Coast of Maine trip through Acadia National Park while our CITs will head up north for their whitewater rafting trip. Our younger groups will also all be out on day trips from Mini Golf to Berry Picking, Adventure Parks to Water Parks. The day is going to be special for all. 

It’s always a beautiful day in the state of Maine, but the weather looks particularly good as we jump into our programming tomorrow. We can’t wait to see what the days hold!

The Sun Sets on First Session…and Rises on Second

It’s quiet. Too quiet.

As the First Session at Laurel South came to a close, camp has fallen quiet for a few days, despite the anticipation for the upcoming Second Session. Bittersweet indeed, but it’s been an incredible journey so far, filled with unforgettable moments, friendships forged and memories made here on Crescent Lake.

The highlight of this transition period has certainly been our Departure Day. Families from near and far gathered to witness firsthand the magic of camp. Campers proudly showcased their activities and experiences, from conquering the climbing wall to perfecting their waterskiing on the lake. Happiness spread across the camp as families reunited, participated in activities together and cherished final moments on the property. It truly was a beautiful day in the state of Maine.

Now, as we bid farewell to some campers and eagerly await the arrival of new faces for Second Session, our dedicated staff is hard at work. The transformation of camp is underway – cabins are being refreshed, program areas are being fine-tuned and new adventures are being planned. It’s a flurry of activity as we prepare to welcome our campers who are eager to dive into the spirit of Laurel South.

We’re counting down the hours until our campers come back.

We love you,

Laurel South

An Amazing Final Week!

As the Maine sun sets on our First Session at Camp Laurel South, we can’t help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. It seems like just yesterday our campers were arriving with nervous excitement and anticipation, and now we’re bidding farewell to what has been an incredible experience filled with growth, laughter and countless memories.

Highlights of the past few days have been plentiful, but none shine quite as bright as our final S-day. The energy was electric as camp came alive for a night of food trucks, music, and fun at our Moosestock music festival! Earlier in the day sportsmanship and teamwork were also on full display as our Lakeside Loons clinched the Katahdin Cup, triumphing over the Kennebec female staff in a spirited competition. The day was capped off with our amazing Color Run 5k, bumper tubing, and countless other special activities.

The nights sandwiching the S-day were our sensational theatre productions that transported us to different worlds and showcased the dedication and talent of our performers. The stage came alive with stories and emotions, leaving us in awe of the creativity and hard work that went into each production. We clapped, cheered, and drank Moose Juice in celebration of all of our hard working actors and actresses.

As we conclude our last full day of programming today, there’s a bittersweet feeling in the air. We’re excited for what lies ahead at our Banquet, Final Social and Closing Ceremonies, where we’ll come together one last time to celebrate the friendships and memories that have defined this summer.

Tomorrow is packing day. As we pack our duffles and gather our belongings, we realize the most precious souvenirs of this summer won’t fit into any duffle bag. They reside in our hearts — the friendships we’ve made, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the moments of pure joy that have shaped us.

Until we meet again, Laurel South. Thank you for an unforgettable First Session. We will miss our campers and can’t wait to see you next summer!

Down the Stretch We Come!

As we approach the final days of our first session here in Casco, it’s hard to believe how quickly time has flown by. It feels like just yesterday we were jumping off the bus with excitement and anticipation for all the adventures ahead. Now, friendships have deepened and memories have been made that will last a lifetime. Each day here has been filled with fun, friendship, and growth. It’s amazing to see how much we’ve all accomplished in such a short time.

We recently returned from our trip to Funtown-Splashtown USA in nearby Saco, Maine. It was an evening of thrilling rides, refreshing water slides and endless fun under the summer sun. Whether we were screaming on Dragon’s Descent or splashing in the water park, the trip was a perfect blend of excitement and relaxation, bringing us even closer together.

Tonight, all eyes are on Moosebowl, our legendary flag football game that unites the entire camp. It’s not just a game between the Black Bears and the Rattlesnakes; it’s a tradition unlike any other, filled with spirit, sportsmanship, and competition. As we cheer on our oldest Bago campers under the lights, it’s hard not to notice our younger boys anticipating their turn to play. No matter the outcome, we can’t wait to celebrate the camaraderie and enjoy the amazing halftime dance show. 

We have a packed final week ahead of us. We’re eagerly anticipating our upcoming theatre shows. The talent and dedication of our campers in bringing these productions to life are truly inspiring. From rehearsals to costume fittings, actors to theatre tech crew, everyone is buzzing with excitement to showcase their creativity and passion on stage. We’re also looking forward to our final S day, jam-packed with the Katahdin Cup (our highly anticipated girls’ soccer game against the staff) and Moose Stock (our music festival, packed with guest artists and camp musicians). These events not only highlight our athletic and artistic talents but also reinforce the sense of Laurel South family. 

We look forward to wringing every ounce of enjoyment out of our final days of programming before packing our camp bags. As we reflect on all we’ve experienced and accomplished so far, we’re excited to make the most of every moment, cherishing the time we have left at Laurel South this summer.

Two Days of Spirit!

Laurel South has been a whirlwind of excitement and camaraderie the past few days. Our week began with an unexpected twist when our CITs orchestrated and executed a surprise Spirit Days break to end our Counselor Hunt event. Jaws hit the floor and staff were left speechless as we launched right into our Great Yarn Race event. For the next two days camp erupted into a sea of blue and green, igniting a friendly rivalry that set the tone for the following days of spirited competition.

Mother Nature herself seemed to join in our celebration, giving us two days of flawless weather. Under clear blue skies, the Blue Ice and Green Fire faced off in epic battles of athleticism, creativity, and spirit. From bucket brigades to dizzy izzy, and soccer to tennis showdowns, every moment was infused with laughter, determination, and the bonds of friendship strengthened. Our CITs came together with an amazing Kaos race and Moosehead Relay before sitting around the fire reminiscing about the two day event.

How do you top two days of Spirit Days? We jumped right into our unforgettable 4th of July celebration. Dressed in red, white, and blue, campers and staff came together for a day of festivities that ended in a mesmerizing fireworks display against the backdrop of a starry Maine night sky.

Looking ahead, anticipation is building for our upcoming excursion to Funtown Splashtown USA today. The thought of towering waterslides, Dragons Descent and arcade games has everyone buzzing with excitement. It’s a perfect opportunity for us to dive into the last week of camp.

As the sun sets over the towering White Pines on the shores of Crescent Lake, we approach the final stretch of this session, emotions are bittersweet. There is still so much to look forward to: Moosebowl, Katahdin Cup, Theatre shows and Moosestock highlight our last week. We reflect on the incredible experiences we’ve shared, the friendships forged, and the personal growth achieved. Each day at Laurel South has been a chapter in our summer story, and as we look forward to our last week together, we’re filled with gratitude for the memories made and excitement for the adventures yet to come.

What a Week!

As our summer grows older by the day, Laurel South continues to spark the spirits of campers with unforgettable adventures, cherished traditions and treasured friendships. As dusk settled the other night, our campfire came alive with the Council Fire showcase of talents honed and friendships forged. More than halfway through our season we’ve highlighted the past few days with our spectacular Carnival. We bounced on every inflatable, won every prize, and ate every snow cone in sight. From clouds of cotton candy to thrilling rides and games, it set the tone for the rest of our fun-filled session.

The daily heartbeat of camp life beats to the rhythm of shimmering Crescent Lake. Whether it’s paddling in canoes, mastering the art of sailing, getting up on a waterski for the first time, or simply swimming in the crystal clear water, every moment spent at the lake is a testament to the beauty of summer in Maine. The past few days have been particularly picturesque with beautiful weather and cotton candy sunsets that made even the most sticky Carnival hands jealous. For our oldest campers, the highlight of their week was the challenging yet rewarding hike up Pleasant Mountain. The trek rewarded them with panoramic views that stretched to Mount Washington in New Hampshire. Our younger campers have competed in numerous intercamps and special events in the past few days, showcasing not only their skills but also the Laurel South way, making every moment better than the last.

Looking ahead, our Fourth of July celebration promises the best fireworks in Maine, a fitting crescendo to what has already been an unforgettable summer at Camp Laurel South. Still on the horizon, excitement continues to build as we eagerly anticipate our upcoming trip to Funtown, a day of thrilling rides and laughter. The days may be ticking down, but the fun is just heating up!

Camp is in Full Swing!

Camp is in full swing! Nestled in the midst of Maine’s breathtaking natural beauty, Crescent Lake’s reflective waters and the towering pines of Maine provide a picturesque backdrop to the vibrant activities and friendships that define our Laurel South experience. Days have been full of hiking trips, intercamps, and some special events. The weather here has been a dream — warm days perfect for swimming in Crescent Lake and cool evenings ideal for gathering around campfires under a starlit sky. We can’t wait for our Council Fire tonight!

As June wraps up, we celebrated the return of our 8th and 9th graders from their adventurous trips into the wilderness. These trips (hiking through coastal Maine and rafting in the North Woods) are not just about outdoor skills. They are about personal growth and building resilience, lessons that extend far beyond the campfire circle and create a treasure trove of memories that will last a lifetime.

Last night our 4th grade boys camped out under the stars. For many campers, this was their first taste of sleeping under a canopy of twinkling constellations, surrounded by the sounds of the night. It’s a magical experience that sparks curiosity and fosters a deep appreciation for the natural world. These young campers forge friendships as they roast marshmallows, share camp stories, and gaze up at the Milky Way. Our 4th grade girls will have their turn later this week!

Looking ahead, excitement buzzes through camp as we prepare for our annual Laurel South Carnival just a few days away! The Carnival is a celebration of summer and all the memories that come with it, where everyone contributes to create a day filled with laughter, games, and cotton candy. It’s a chance for campers to let loose, whether through face painting, dunk tanks, or the wide array of inflatable challenges, and to revel in the joy of coming together as a community.

Campers new and old are learning that Laurel South isn’t just a place – it’s an experience that shapes memories and friendships that endure long after the final campfire of the season. Here in Maine, amidst laughter and adventure, lifelong bonds are formed and cherished, making each summer day at Laurel South one to remember. Here’s to another week of memories!

Summer 2024 is Here!

As the summer sun rises over the shores of Crescent Lake, Camp Laurel South springs to life with the energy and excitement that only the start of camp can bring. 

After an amazing Orientation, our staff couldn’t wait to welcome our campers on opening day. At long last, summer 2024 is officially up and running! 

Despite some early drizzle, the enthusiasm among campers and counselors remains unshaken. We’ve already had bumper tubing and a wonderful Moosestomp full of s’mores. After schedule making, our first two days of program have been off the charts. Fun echoes throughout camp as friendships old and new are rekindled, and the promise of an unforgettable summer hangs in the air.

Today marks a special day, with the 8th graders and CITs embarking on their journeys. The 8th graders head on a coastal tour of Maine from Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park to Camden. It’s a tradition like no other, a chance to explore Maine beyond camp’s borders, bond as a group, and forge memories that will last a lifetime. Meanwhile, the CITs eagerly step into their roles, ready to learn and lead on their white water rafting trip in the North Woods. Although we will miss them, their departures only add to the buzz of anticipation for the rest of the camp.

All other campers have a stunning sunny day here in Casco and are eagerly waiting for their first S-Day full of day trips to adventure parks, mini golf, and water parks. How much fun can we possibly pack into one day? The limit does not exist at Laurel South!

Rain or shine, Laurel South thrives on its spirit of community, adventure, and growth. Our campers’ smiles reflect their excitement for the weeks ahead, filled with days of swimming in Crescent Lake, evenings under the stars at campfires, and days spent mastering new skills from basketball to archery to arts and crafts. Here, in the heart of Maine’s wilderness, the start of camp is not just a beginning but a promise of endless possibilities and cherished memories waiting to be made.