It felt like this day might never come. After saying our tearful goodbyes to end the 2021 summer, time seemed to crawl. But as we settled back into our routines, the school year helped pass the time. And then it got cooler and colder, and we celebrated the winter holidays. Once the temperatures began to rise and flowers began to bloom, springtime served as a reminder that another incredible Laurel South summer was right around the corner! And finally…the day was here! The day when we were reunited with our old camp friends, made friends and started making memories to last a lifetime!

Once everyone arrived, we had an amazing cookout dinner, after which we all headed to Cove where Roger and Dagni welcomed us to the official start of the 2022 summer. From there, each campus ventured off to their individual evening programs, running and playing and bonding with each other. Then we went back to cabins for some bonding before getting ready to begin this amazing experience we call Laurel South!
Today is Moose Stomp and tomorrow we’ll head right into our first program day! We have so much to look forward to this summer, and we plan on taking in every moment. We don’t plan to waste a second of it!