The Official Blog of Laurel South
Moosetrack News

Down the Stretch They Come!!

LS Blog Photo 1 How quickly a summer can fly. It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming the Laurel South Family back to our summer home. In the blink of an eye, we’re beginning to celebrate the summer with amazing culminating activities.

Our camper production of The Wizard of Oz was truly epic! The younger campers worked so hard, and the entire audience was amazed at the incredible display of talent. Thursday was the final ā€œSā€ Day as the camp took to Funtown USA for a wild day of rides, games, music, food and, of course, FUN!

LS Bog Photo 2Last night was our Final Banquet. We dined on Steak, Lobster and Vegetarian Lasagna while reflecting on the experiences we just shared. After the banquet, we made our way to the Theater for the production of The Sound of Music. It was outstanding!! The campers in both shows dedicated themselves to their craft and the final product was simply incredible.

Tonight the Rattle Snakes and Black Bears take to the gridiron in our annual Moose Bowl! Everyone is looking forward to it!

There may be a precious few days left, but the action never stops in Casco!!!